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Understanding Consumers in Apache Archiva

Archiva makes use of the concept of consumers. Consumers are components which consumes or processes an artifact. There is on type of consumers in Archiva: repository content consumers.

Repository Content Consumers

The repository content consumers consume or process artifacts during repository scanning. For every artifact found in the repository, each consumer processes them. There are 8 available repository content consumers which can be configured in the Repository Scanning page. These are:

  • auto-remove - Removes files in the repository being scanned if the file type matches any of the configured file types to be removed.
  • auto-rename - Automatically renames common artifact mistakes.
  • create-missing-checksums - Creates the md5 and sha1 checksum files of the artifact if there are none available in the repository.
  • index-content - Adds the content of the artifact (specifically the pom) to the index, allowing the artifact to be searched in Archiva.
  • metadata-updater - Updates artifact metadata files depending on the content of the repository.
  • repository-purge - Removes old snapshots from the repository either by the number of days old or by the retention count.
  • validate-checksums - Validates the checksum files of the artifact.
  • create-archiva-metadata - Take an artifact off of disk and put it into the metadata repository.
  • duplicate-artifacts - Search the artifact repository of known SHA1 Checksums for potential duplicate artifacts.